viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower

The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 by: Manette Loudon
Learn more:

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

Un mineral mágico, el remedio contra todos los virus

Un mineral mágico, el remedio contra todos los virus

Nuestro organismo está repleto de toxinas que vamos acumulando día a día año tras años, derivadas de los desechos tóxicos producidos por los malos hábitos alimenticios y la carga de estrés emocional.
Estructura en panel de abeja de la Zeolita. Foto: J.L. Jorda (UPV-CSIC).

Pero también por las emanaciones del tráfico, los aerosoles, el aire acondicionado, las alfombras, el cloro, la pintura, los plásticos, el plomo, los  insecticidas, los productos de limpieza e higiene personal, incluso por los cosméticos.
[Relacionado: Los peores hábitos de la salud femenina]
La lista es interminable y la mayor parte de esta carga tóxica se concentra en los fluidos del cuerpo como la sangre, la linfa y el líquido extracelular. Otra parte se deposita en los órganos y, sobre todo, en el sistema nervioso (el mercurio por ejemplo).
Precisamente muchos virus y enfermedades provienen de la intoxicación por metales o minerales, del monóxido de carbono del medio ambiente, pesticidas y otros agentes químicos. Si te preguntas de dónde vienen estas sustancias tóxicas, apunta: pescados, medicamentos, levadura de repostería, utensilios de cocina, desodorante, pilas, suavizantes de ropa...
Aquí podéis ver un vídeo en clave de humor que muestra cómo un virus infecta a nuestro cuerpo, y cómo actúa Zeolite-AV para detenerlo. La Zeolita es un activador del sistema inmunológico, limpia la sangre, el sistema linfático, el sistema glandular; activa  el sistema celular y además es efectivo en la estabilización de todos los sistemas funcionales del organismo.
Se trata de un mineral natural (clinoptilolita) que tiene una carga negativa, con lo cual atrae metales pesados (mercurio, plomo, cadmio, arsénico, etc) y a las toxinas que habitualmente poseen carga positiva. Esta carga negativa actúa como un imán para sacar las toxinas del  cuerpo y atraparlas dentro de la jaula que forma  la zeolita para expulsarlas fuera del cuerpo como desechos (a través de la orina, heces o mediante la transpiración) Y lo mejor de todo... ¡sin ningún efecto secundario!
[Relacionado: La mejor bebida para hidratarse]
Antiguamente se utilizaba en Asia (China, Rusia, India) como suplemento natural para promover la salud y el bienestar orgánico. El proceso comienza inmediatamente y tarda aproximadamente 4 a 6 semanas. Estos son sus principales beneficios:
- Elimina los pesticidas, herbicidas y las dioxinas: Como estos productos químicos son los principales candidatos para la aparición de cáncer incluso en niveles bajos.
- Equilibra el pH del cuerpo impidiendo el crecimiento de células extrañas, contribuye a que el  pH del cuerpo tenga  una alcalinidad saludable, potenciando a su vez todo el sistema inmunologico del organismo. De modo que puede ayudar en  muchas condiciones de reflujo ácido, en la eliminación de la candida y la artritis.
- Reduce los síntomas de las alergias, migrañas y el asma.
- Mejora la absorción de nutrientes y atrapa el exceso de glucosa.
- Actúa como un poderoso antioxidante y ayuda a prevenir el envejecimiento prematuro.

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

FDA: Dangerous drugs found in 'natural' products

FDA: Dangerous drugs found in 'natural' products
Aug 23, 2012 1:00 PM
Hidden drug ingredients that can cause serious and potentially fatal side effects have been found in Reumofan Plus and Reumofan Plus Premium, products marketed as "natural" dietary supplements for treating arthritis, muscle pain or other conditions, the Food and Drug Administration warned.
Consumers should not buy or start using these products. People who have been taking, or recently stopped taking, Reumofan Plus or Reumofan Plus Premium should immediately consult a health care professional, said the FDA.

Ongoing FDA lab tests of Reumofan Plus found that it contained the following prescription drug ingredients:
• dexamethasone, a corticosteroid that can increase the risk of infection and cause changes in blood sugar levels and blood pressure, and damage to bones, psychiatric problems and adrenal suppression.
• diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as serious gastrointestinal side effects including bleeding, ulceration, and rarely fatal perforation of the stomach and intestines.
• methocarbamol, a muscle relaxant that can cause sedation, dizziness and low blood pressure, and impair mental or physical abilities.
A separate FDA lab analysis of Reumofan Plus Premium found that it contained both diclofenac sodium and methocarbamol.
The FDA's latest safety alert said the agency has received dozens of adverse event reports, including death and stroke, associated with the use of Reumofan Plus since the agency issued its first warning about the product on June 1, 2012. Other reports include liver injury, severe bleeding, sudden worsening of glucose (sugar) control, weight gain, swelling, leg cramps and withdrawal syndrome, and adrenal suppression.
Any of the drug ingredients found in Reumofan Plus or Reumofan Plus Premium can also interact with other medications a consumer may be taking and result in serious health consequences, the FDA warned.
"The presence of potentially dangerous prescription drugs in these two products reflect the uncertainty implicit in the purchase of dietary supplements," says Marvin M. Lipman, M.D., chief medical adviser for Consumer Reports. "In the supplement market, there is no assurance that what you're buying is what you're getting."
Bottom line: Don't assume "natural" means safe, or even natural. See our new report, 10 Surprising Dangers of Vitamins and Supplements.
FDA issues new safety alert on Reumofan Plus and Reumofan Plus Premium (FDA Press Announcement)
Reumofan Products Pose Risk to Consumers (FDA Consumer Update)

—Doug Podolsky

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Impericia médica

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Do You Really Need These Medical Tests?

Do You Really Need These Medical Tests?

Woman Talking With DoctorHow common is this? You go to a doctor for your annual exam and routinely take a bunch of tests that end up being expensive and time- consuming. Well, soon that may change. Now doctors from nine top medical societies are telling patients and their medical providers to be more discerning when it comes to 45 of the most common medical tests. The campaign's catchy title is: "Choose Wisely."

There's plenty of evidence to back up their new advice. A 2010 "Consumer Reports" survey of 1,200 healthy adults showed that almost 50 percent of them had received screening tests for heart disease that were considered "very unlikely or unlikely to have benefits that outweigh the risks." And, a study in the September 2011 issue of the "Archives of Internal Medicine" found 80 percent of surveyed doctors said they order unnecessary tests just because they are afraid of being sued for malpractice.
Plus, according to "The New York Times," up to one-third of the $2 trillion of annual U.S. health care costs is spent on unnecessary hospitalizations and tests, ineffective new drugs and medical devices, unproven treatments, and unnecessary end of life care. That's a lot of waste.
So what tests and treatments should you question? Well, you may be surprised. Here's a list of the eight most common tests and treatments you may be able to forgo:

1. Question colon cancer screening if you're a low-risk patient (who doesn't have a family history) and you had a negative colonoscopy report less than ten years ago.
2. Pass on any imaging testsfor low back pain within the first six weeks of the onset of your pain unless your physician identifies red flags.FYI: Low back pain is the fifth most common reason for all physician visits.
3. Nix routine antibiotics for acute mild-to-moderate sinusitis unless symptoms last for seven or more days or your symptoms get worse. That's because most sinusitis is due to a viral infection that will resolve on its own. Sinusitis accounts for 16 million office visits and $5.8 billion in annual health care costs.
4. Pass on dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) the screening for osteoporosis if you're a woman younger than 65 (or men younger than 70) with no risk factors. Caveat: this screening test is costeffective in older patients.

5. Question annual electrocardiograms (EKGs) or any other cardiac screening if you're a low-risk patient without symptoms. False-positive tests are likely to lead to more harm than good because they can incur unnecessary invasive procedures, over-treatment and misdiagnosis.
6. Pass on a Pap smear if you've had a hysterectomy for a non-cancer disease.

7. Question it if your doctor suggests a CAT scan (or any imaging studies) for uncomplicated headaches.
8. Don't agree to any unproven diagnostic tests when it comes to allergies such as immunoglobulin G testing or an indiscriminate battery of immunoglobulin E tests.;_ylt=A2KJ3CfxT0ZQ1VkAOrYhmolQ