domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Aspirin May Reduce Cognitive Decline

Aspirin May Reduce Cognitive Decline

Aspirin may be the ultimate wonder drug: a pain reliever that only helps prevent heart attacks, strokes, and some forms of cancer, but may even help stave off Alzheimer’s disease, researchers report.
The low-dose aspirin millions of American pop daily to ward off heart attacks and strokes may also protect memory and mental function in older adults, at a cost of just two cents per pill, according to a new study published in BMJ Open. The study adds to earlier research suggesting that taking baby aspirin daily may cut risk for Alzheimer’s by up to 55 percent, reports the Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation.
A cheap, over-the-counter medicine to guard against memory loss could be a groundbreaking discovery, given that about 25 percent of Americans ages 70 and older suffer from dementia (memory-robbing disorders like Alzheimer’s disease) or cognitive impairment, the earliest sign of the disease, according to a recent Mayo Clinic study published in Neurology.
Here’s a closer look at the new research.
Find The Medicare Plan That's Right For You

Good for the Heart—and the Brain

The BMJ researchers tracked the brain health of 681 Swedish women ages 70 to 92. At the start of study, none of the women suffered from dementia, but 95 percent were at high risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). All of the women were given a battery of memory and cognitive tests known as the mini-mental state exam.
When the exam was repeated five years later, scores fell, on average. However, women who had consistently taken low-dose aspirin during the study actually increased their scores, compared to never-users. The study didn’t find any brain benefit in women who regularly took other non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen.
While there were no differences in dementia rates in the two groups, the strikingly higher scores on the memory and cognitive tests among aspirin users lead the researchers to report, “Our study suggests a neuroprotective effect of aspirin, at least for elderly women at high cardiovascular risk. Longer follow-ups are needed to evaluate the long-term effect of aspirin on cognitive function and dementia.”
Watch Out for These Alzheimer's Warning Signs

Unique Benefits of Aspirin

Several earlier studies have looked at the impact of NSAIDs on Alzheimer’s disease (AD) risk, with contradictory results. Population-based observational studies have generally found lower risk for AD among NSAID users, while randomized clinical trials have mostly found no benefit.
However, few studies have looked specifically at aspirin, even though it’s the most commonly used medication in the world, with more than 100 billion pills swallowed annually. The BMJ study was the first to examine the effects of low-doses (75 to 160 milligrams daily) on older women at high risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD), even though aspirin is the leading therapy prescribed to ward off heart attacks and strokes in at-risk patients.
The new study is important because aspirin has a unique benefit not provided by other NSAIDs: It thins the blood, thus reducing risk for clots that can trigger a heart attack or ischemic stroke (those caused by blood clots—the most common type of stroke). In addition, the little white pills combat chronic inflammation, which has recently been shown to spark heart attacks, points out Amy Doneen, ARNP, medical director of the Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention Center in Spokane, Washington.
8 Foods That Fight Arthritis

Combatting a Stealthy Memory Thief

The idea behind aspirin-as-memory-booster is sound. For people with CVD, protecting against blood clots with daily aspirin therapy is crucial, explains Doneen. “Most people don’t know that heart attacks have the same cause as ischemic strokes: Plaque inside the artery wall ruptures, which can lead to the formation of a clot that obstructs the flow of blood.”
During an ischemic stroke, loss of oxygen and nutrients to part of the brain causes cells to die. That’s why strokes interfere with memory, speech and movement—and rank as the leading cause of disability. But people who have never experienced stroke symptoms can also suffer from memory problems, adds Doneen. “Even very small clots that don’t cause any obvious symptoms can cause progressive impairment and loss of memory.”
A Harvard study revealed that that so-called “silent strokes,” or strokes that occur without any symptoms, are related to cognitive decline. Other research from Boston University found that 11 percent of middle-aged participants had experienced a silent stroke and associated brain damage. Vascular dementia—an Alzheimer’s-like disorder—frequently results from a series of small, frequently silent strokes that gradually steal the person’s memory.
Visit The Alzheimer's Learning Center

Talk to Your Healthcare Provider Before Taking Aspirin

Some neurologists, including Dr. Richard Isaacson, an associate professor of clinical neurology and director of the Alzheimer's division at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, advise low-dose aspirin to reduce risk for Alzheimer’s disease. "I have recommended 81 milligrams of baby aspirin for my patients with any vascular risk factors who are either at risk for developing cognitive decline or who currently have mild cognitive impairment or mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease," Dr. Isaacson told US News and World Report.
However, it’s important to realize that the OTC pills can have a downside. Risks include GI bleeding, cautions Doneen. Your medical provider can help you decide if daily low-dose aspirin makes sense for you, based on your risk factors and medical conditions. There’s also a lot you can do on your own to keep your brain sharp, including regular exercise, improving your diet, shunning tobacco and secondhand smoke, and maintaining an active social life.

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Resonancia mundial de un trabajo boricua en Mayaguez

2 de noviembre de 2012 
El Nuevo Día

Resonancia mundial de un trabajo boricua

Prestigiosa revista destaca investigación de científicos del RUM

Los doctores Juan Carlos Martínez Cruzado y Tarás Oleksyk figuran entre los autores de la  publicación que detalla, entre las más de mil personas estudiadas a nivel mundial, una muestra de 55 puertorriqueños a quienes se les secuenció el genoma completo. (S)
Dos catedráticos del Departamento de Biología del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez (RUM) participaron en un proyecto internacional, denominado Mil Genomas, cuyos resultados salen publicados en la prestigiosa revista científica Nature.

Los doctores Juan Carlos Martínez Cruzado y Tarás Oleksyk figuran entre los autores de la  publicación que detalla, entre las más de mil personas estudiadas a nivel mundial, una muestra de 55 puertorriqueños a quienes se les secuenció el genoma completo.
Además, los investigadores del RUM continuarán la caracterización de la variación genética de Puerto Rico. 
En estos momentos están construyendo un mapa genético detallado de la ascendencia del puertorriqueño. 
“Hoy, la ciencia de la genómica ha dado un gran salto a favor de Puerto Rico y el mundo. Sentimos mucho orgullo de ser parte de este gran estudio que es a nivel mundial. Estamos convencidos de que la información genética que ahora se hace disponible al público por la internet ayudará al desarrollo de nuevas formas de diagnosticar enfermedades con base genética en Puerto Rico.  Estas nuevas formas de diagnosticar comenzarán a salvar vidas muy pronto”, aseguró Oleksyk.
Los investigadores del RUM, junto a sus colaboradores como los doctores Carlos Bustamante, de la Universidad de Stanford; Esteban G. Burchard, de la Universidad de California en San Francisco; y Juan L. Rodríguez, de la Escuela de Medicina de Cornell, entre otros, fueron instrumentales en asegurar que este estudio incluyera a las poblaciones de Latinoamérica, entre ellas Puerto Rico.
Los análisis preliminares habían incluido solamente a poblaciones de Asia, África y Europa, o a poblaciones de las Américas con muy poca ascendencia indígena.
Los doctores Martínez Cruzado y Oleksyk colaboraron con sus colegas en Stanford, Cornell y la Universidad de California en San Francisco para estudiar el mestizaje en Puerto Rico. 
Para ello, utilizaron algoritmos computacionales que permiten identificar los orígenes ancestrales de cada individuo basándose en las combinaciones de los distintos marcadores genéticos que se descubrieron en este estudio.
“Con estos datos podremos determinar el origen continental de distintos segmentos cromosómicos de cada puertorriqueño. También, podremos conocer mejor los orígenes dentro de los continentes de nuestros ancestros. Por ejemplo, si nuestra ascendencia africana tiene mucho del área de Mozambique o no, y si nuestra ascendencia canaria comprende también la ascendencia guanche, que eran los nativos de aquellas islas”, expresó Martínez Cruzado.
Agregó que, “igualmente, podremos conocer mejor las variantes genéticas que son estrictamente taínas, lo cual podría arrojarnos información sobre los procesos de mestizaje que probablemente ocurrieron en nuestra isla entre arcaicos y arahuacos aún antes de la llegada de los españoles".
Además de los profesores del RUM, también figura como autora de esta publicación la doctora Julie  Dutil, de la Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud de Ponce.
La doctora Gil McVean, una profesora de genética estadística en la Universidad de Oxford, funge como la autora principal de esta investigación a nivel internacional, que incluye a más de cien instituciones en todo el mundo y cientos de científicos como coautores de la publicación.
El artículo de la revista Nature detalla un catálogo de más de 38 variantes genéticas de nucleótidos sencillos, denominados “SNP”, y varios otros millones de cambios genéticos en más de mil personas muestreadas de 14 poblaciones en cuatro continentes: Europa, África, Asia Oriental, y las Américas, incluyendo Puerto Rico.
Recientemente, los científicos boricuas organizaron el “Caribbean Genome Center” (CGC), unas nuevas instalaciones de investigación que permitirán a estudiantes y profesores analizar DNA de forma similar al proyecto Mil Genomas en Puerto Rico.

¿Quiere evitar un derrame cerebral? Coma pescado

1 de noviembre de 2012
12:01 a.m.
El Nuevo Día

¿Quiere evitar un derrame cerebral? Coma pescado

Estudio sugiere que su consumo regular podría evitar un evento cerebrovascular
Las grasas del pescado ayudan a reducir la incidencia de accidentes cerebrovasculares.(Archivo / GFR Media)
Por BBC Mundo
Consumir al menos dos porciones de pescado graso a la semana pueden reducir el riesgo de sufrir un evento cerebrovascular. Sin embargo, el consumo de suplementos no muestra beneficios, dicen investigadores.
Los científicos llevaron a cabo una revisión de los estudios publicados sobre el vínculo entre el consumo de pescado, una fuente rica de ácidos grasos omega 3, y el riesgo de sufrir un evento cerebrovascular.
Las investigaciones pasadas ya han establecido que el consumo regular de estos alimentos está vinculado a un menor riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular, incluida la enfermedad coronaria.
Por eso las recomendaciones de salud en muchos países establecen que una dieta sana debe incluir al menos dos porciones de pescado graso a la semana, como salmón, arenque, sardinas y atún.
Sin embargo, hasta ahora no se ha logrado establecer un vínculo claro entre el consumo de pescado graso y el riesgo de sufrir un evento cerebrovascular.
La nueva investigación, publicada en British Medical Journal (Revista Médica Británica) revisó 38 estudios publicados llevados a cabo en 15 países que habían incluido a unas 800.000 personas.
Entre los participantes había individuos con enfermedades cardiovascular establecida, aquellos que sufrían o habían sufrido trastornos como hipertensión o infarto, y personas con bajo riesgo que nunca habían tenido estas enfermedades.
Los estudios incluían cuestionarios sobre los hábitos alimentarios, análisis de sangre para identificar niveles de ácidos grasos omega 3 y registros sobre el uso de suplementos de ácidos grasos.
El doctor Rajiv Chowdhury, de la Universidad de Cambridge, quien dirigió el estudio, explica que los resultados mostraron que los individuos que consumían de dos a cuatro porciones de pescado graso a la semana mostraron una reducción "moderada pero significativa" (de 6%) en el riesgo de sufrir un evento cerebrovascular, comparado con quienes sólo comían una porción o no comían el alimento.
Quienes consumían cinco o más porciones a la semana mostraron una reducción de 12% en el riesgo.
Sin embargo, afirman los investigadores, no se vio ninguna reducción significativa en el riesgo de evento cerebrovascular entre quienes consumían suplementos de omega 3.
Según el investigador, hay varias razones que podrían explicar los beneficios de comer pescado graso en la salud vascular.
"Por ejemplo, podría deberse a la interacción de una amplia variedad de nutrientes, como vitaminas y aminoácidos esenciales que comúnmente se encuentran en el pescado", dicen los autores.
"O también podría deberse a que consumir más pescado puede llevar a una reducción en el consumo de otros alimentos, como carne roja, que se sabe son perjudiciales para la salud vascular".
"O el alto consumo de pescado simplemente puede ser un indicador de una dieta general más sana o de un nivel socioeconómico más alto, los cuales están vinculados con una mejor salud vascular", agregan.
No se encontraron beneficios con los suplementos de omega 3.
Cualquiera que sea la explicación, agregan, estos resultados "refuerzan el papel modesto pero potencialmente beneficioso del consumo de pescado en el combate de la enfermedad cerebrovascular".
Un sondeo llevado a cabo en el Reino Unido por la organización The Stroke Association, mostró que el público no reconoce los signos y síntomas de un evento cerebrovascular.
En particular, se preguntó a 2.000 personas con alto riesgo de un evento cerebrovascular si sabían cuáles eran los signos de un evento transitorio, el llamado Accidente Isquémico Transitorio o TIA, cuyos síntomas desaparecen por lo general antes de una hora.
Los resultados mostraron que casi 70% de los encuestados no sabrían reconocer los síntomas de un TIA, 26% pensaban que eran los mismos síntomas de un infarto, 68% nunca habían oído hablar de un TIA y 74% no tendrían urgencia de llamar a una ambulancia o ir al hospital si estuvieran experimentando los síntomas de un TIA.
Sólo en el Reino Unido unas 46.000 personas sufren uno de estos eventos cada año. Los síntomas incluyen adormecimiento facial, problemas de habla y sensación de hormigueo en un lado del cuerpo.
Los estudios muestran que una de cada diez personas que sufren TIA y no reciben tratamiento tendrán un evento cerebrovascular grave dentro de la semana siguiente.

Vegetarianos y veganos viven 8 años más

2 de noviembre de 2012
12:02 a.m.
El Nuevo Día

Vegetarianos y veganos viven 8 años más

Según estudio realizado por la Universidad de Harvard
Un dieta vegetariana podría alargarle la vida a las personas.(Archivo / GFR Media)
Por El Comercio / GDA
¿Cuál es el secreto para vivir más? Según un reciente estudio, el llevar una dieta basada en vegetales puede ser muy útil para lograr extender nuestro paso por este mundo. La investigación, realizada por la universidad de Harvard, afirma que los vegetarianos y los veganos viven un promedio de ocho años más que la población en general.
Según los expertos, esto es bastante lógico, debido a diferentes factores. Por ejemplo, la ingesta de colesterol, el cual se encuentra solo en los alimentos de origen animal, está asociado con una expectativa de vida significativamente más corta, según apunta el portal web “Huffington Post”. Por otro lado, el consumo de fibra, que se encuentra solo en las plantas comestibles, es vinculado a la longevidad.
El vegetarianismo ayuda a evitar la aparición de enfermedades del corazón, que causan la mayor tasa de muertes al año. Asimismo, este tipo de alimentación puede detener los problemas cardíacos e incluso llegar a revertirlos.
Por otra parte, según el mencionado estudio que monitoreó a una serie de voluntarios por 35 años, la incidencia de cáncer es menor en los vegetarianos.

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

MEDICARE TRAP--BEING OBSERVED status can cost you thousands of $.

MEDICARE TRAP--BEING OBSERVED status can cost you thousands of $.

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Are we cruel to our food?

Are we cruel to our food?


By the time that cheeseburger arrives on your plate, it's hard to think about anything but how tasty it'll be. But when you trace the origins of each ingredient--the beef, the fried egg, the splurge-worthy bacon--some uncomfortable truths emerge.
That we're uneasy about the origins of our food is no surprise. After all, in our shrink-wrapped, pre-cooked, fast-food world, it's easy to ignore. Fortunately, though, awareness is growing where it matters: Big Food. In just this year alone, shocking cases of documented animal abuse have persuaded many of the biggest meat purchasers--McDonald's, Burger King, and Subway--to make their chains more humane.
Still, we're a long way off from feeling good about what's for dinner, whether it's beef, chicken, or even eggs. Join us as we check in with the 8 Cruelest Foods You Eat--plus, what's being done about them, and what to eat in the meantime.

1. Lobster
2 of 10
These spiny guys can live as old as we do, but thanks to our appetite for lobster rolls, they usually don't. A recent study in the journal Animal Behavior showed that, contrary to previous thinking, lobsters and crab can feel pain and exhibit signs of stress. Lobsters also have a central nervous system, according to other research. But that hasn't persuaded many to stop eating them. Some high-end restaurants even offer live lobster sashimi, where you choose your lobster from a tank and it appears on your plate in seconds, slit down the middle and squirming.
What's being done: Not much, although boiling lobster is illegal in the Italian town Reggio Emilia. Domestically, Whole Foods no longer sells live lobsters. In 2005, the chain conducted an internal study on the crustacean and how it gets to stores. They were persuaded by numerous studies that show lobsters can get stressed, are able to learn, and are aware of their surroundings. Many are held in storage facilities for several months, and because there's no way to minimize that distress, Whole Foods decided to stop carrying them live.
What to eat instead: Nosh sustainable, ethically caught shellfish, though it sounds simpler to find than it is. (Origins can be fishy, so check out our feature on how to choose the best shrimp.) If you're worried about the ethics of eating seafood at all but want to get your omega-3s, choose a plant-based source, like ground flaxseed.

2. Shark-fin soup
3 of 10
The name hides nothing: This soup is made with fins that are sliced off sharks in open waters. The fish are then tossed back into the water, where they can drown or bleed to death. Many of the fins served in the United States come from endangered shark species, according to a recent study by Stony Brook University and the Field Museum in Chicago. More status symbol than tasty (or nutritious), shark-fin soup is a popular gourmet treat in Asia and is abundant in restaurants across the United States, too.
What's being done: Shark finning was banned in Hawaii in 2010, and it's since been made illegal in Washington, Oregon, California, and Illinois. Last July, China's Government Offices Administration of the State Council announced that the Chinese government would no longer serve shark-fin dishes at official events, according to conservation organization WildAid.
What to eat instead: Pretty much anything under the sun, but you might want to start with a seafood bisque. Just steer clear of these 12 fish that are bad for both you and the environment.

3. Veal
4 of 10
Many male calves are destined to become veal, since they can't produce milk. Just days after one of these calves is born, he can be moved to a crate so small that he can't turn around. There, he's typically fed milk or formula and is not allowed to exercise, which results in the pale fatty flesh for which veal is famous. Veal are usually slaughtered when they're just 5 months old.
What's being done: In 2009, the Humane Society recorded undercover abuse of calves at a Vermont slaughter plant. The USDA and Vermont Agency of Agriculture suspended operations there for an investigation, and a year later, the plant's owner pleaded no contest to animal cruelty charges. But there's some good news: Veal crates are illegal in Arizona, California, Maine, Michigan, and Ohio.
What to eat instead: If you're craving the tenderness of veal, grab a meaty Portobello mushroom burger instead. Ours is topped with pesto and roasted red peppers and slapped on a whole-wheat bun for a cruelty-free 277 calories.

4. Foie gras
5 of 10
Foie gras, which means "fatty liver" in French, is a silky-smooth delicacy from goose or duck that's often served in elegant, high-end restaurants--the kind of thing you might splurge on as a treat. How it gets to your plate isn't quite so elegant, though. The short version is this: Workers restrain the birds and insert a long metal tube down its throat, through which they pump pounds of corn several times a day. After about a month of force-feeding, they're slaughtered, and their livers become your dinner.
What's being done: It's illegal to force-feed ducks in several countries, including the UK, Austria, Israel, Denmark, and Poland, but it's not necessarily illegal to sell the stuff. Stateside, the production and sale of foie gras is banned in California, but some restaurants have gotten around the ban by giving it away, reports Los Angeles Magazine. In 2006, it was banned in Chicago, but then-mayor Richard M. Daley called the ban "the silliest law" ever passed by City Council, and it was repealed in 2008.
What to eat instead: Get your rich pate fix sans guilt with vegan walnut pate. The animal-free version is made with herbs and meaty nuts, and it's cholesterol free.
Harness your hormones to lose unhealthy belly fat for good!

5. Eggs
6 of 10
So you don't eat foie gras, shark-fin soup, or even meat? You still might not be eating cruelty-free. The innocent little egg sometimes comes from hens who live in cages so small they can't even spread their wings. It's not surprising that the eggs from these hens, claustrophobic and living in their own waste, are up to 21 times more likely to harbor salmonella, according to a 2008 study from Belgium.
What's being done: Thankfully, things might be looking up for chickens. Congress is considering a new bill--H.R. 3798, or the Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2012--that would give hens twice the amount of living space, prohibit excessive ammonia in the henhouses, and require labeling on egg cartons to list how the egg-layers lived. More than 8 million chickens are slaughtered each year in the U.S., according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, so this could be big for the little cluckers. (Check out more on happier hens here.)
What to eat instead: Organic is a must for anything chicken-related, since poultry feed can have all kinds of bad stuff in it, from antidepressants to arsenic. Cage-free is nice, too, since those eggs don't come from chickens that are trapped in battery cages all the time. But the best option? Seek out eggs with the "certified humane raised and handled label," which means that your eggs underwent a voluntary, thorough inspection by an independent animal-welfare group. Or buy from a farmer you trust. Check out LocalHarvest to find truly sustainable farmers near you.
10 Healthy Kids' Snacks You'll Love

6. Balut
7 of 10
Speaking of eggs, balut is a soft-boiled duck egg, where the embryo is almost fully formed--feathers, bones, and all. The egg is cracked open, the soupy liquid drunk, and the fetus dug out to eat. It's popular in the Philippines, Laos, and other Southeast Asian countries.
What's being done: Thanks to domestic foodie demand, this "snack" is available in the U.S. too. Dekalb Market in Brooklyn hosted its first ever balut-eating contest this summer--and the winner downed 18 embryos in 5 minutes.
What to eat instead: Regular eggs (organic, cage-free, preferably my-farmer-sold-them-to-me eggs, that is) will give you a protein fix without the feathered fetus.

7. Beef
8 of 10
How well is your cow treated before it turns into your burger patty? Not great, you think, since you know how lax the laws are regarding factory farms. But how bad can it get, really? Very, according to the animal-rights group Compassion Over Killing, which recently released an undercover video taken at Central Valley Meat Co., a California slaughterhouse that supplies beef to the USDA National School Lunch Program, In-N-Out Burger, Costco, and McDonald's. Workers there illegally shocked the cows repeatedly with electric prods, sometimes as many as 40 times. Many of the cows there died slow, agonizing deaths, and some captured on video weren't even dead when they got to the slaughtering stage.
What's being done: Since the video came out, the aforementioned companies severed their ties with Central Valley Meat Co. The USDA closed the plant down for a few days to address mishandlings, but then continued their lunch program contract with the company, reported Food Safety News.
What to eat instead: If you're set on meat, go local and humane. Get your beef at a farmer's market, where you can ask the farmer about their breeding--and slaughtering--practices.

8. Pork
9 of 10
Want to know the secret to beating bacon cravings at brunch? Consider where your pig came from. Even though they're some of the most intelligent animals alive, most breeding pigs are kept in gestation creates: tiny spaces about 2 feet wide in which pigs can't even turn around, according to the Humane Society. They stay pent up most of their lives to endure constant impregnation.
What's being done: Gestation crates are banned in Sweden and the U.K. Stateside, they're banned in Florida, Oregon, Maine, and Rhode Island, with phase-out plans in several other states. The three largest fast food chains in America--McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's--recently announced they'd be phasing out the practice for pigs. Most recently, Qdoba, Jack in the Box, and Subway pledged to eliminate gestation crates by 2022.
What to eat instead: This little piggie went to market--the farmer's market. It's the very best way to learn what happens to your meat, from pig's pen to pork chop.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Coffee Linked to Vision Loss

Coffee Linked to Vision Loss

A new Harvard study has discovered a high incidence of vision problems among men and women who drank three or more cups of coffee a day. The research, published in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, linked heavy consumption of caffeinated coffee with increased likelihood of developing exfoliation glaucoma, an eye disorder that affects about 10 percent of adults over age 50 and can lead to vision loss or blindness.
Specifically, the researchers reported that adults who drank three or more cups of coffee daily were 34 percent more likely to develop exfoliation glaucoma, compared to those who abstained from coffee. Women with a family history of glaucoma were at the highest risk, with their threat of exfoliation glaucoma soaring by 66 percent if they quaffed three or more cups of java per day.
Here’s a closer look at the study and what it means for coffee-lovers.
Coffee: The Original Wonder Drug?

What is exfoliation glaucoma?

Glaucoma, the second leading cause of blindness in the world, affects 60 million people. It is a group of painless diseases that can damage the optic nerve, if untreated. Typically, this damage results from increased pressure within the eye, usually due to fluid buildup.
Think of the eye as a sink in which the faucet is always running and the drain is always open. A tiny gland behind the iris produces fluid to nourish the cornea and lens, then the fluid flows out of the eye through spongy tissue called the trabecular network, explains the Glaucoma Foundation.
Exfoliation glaucoma, sometimes called “exfoliation syndrome,” is marked by tiny, dandruff-like flakes building up on the lens of the eye. The flakes are rubbed off as the lens of the iris (colored part of the eye) moves, causing the spongy tissue that normally serves as the eye’s drain to get clogged. The result is increased pressure, sometimes very high pressure, inside the eye. The cause of exfoliation glaucoma is unknown, but genetics appear to play a role.
5 Secrets to Preserving Your Eyesight

How was the study conducted?

The Harvard study was the first to link heavy coffee consumption and glaucoma risk in Americans by analyzing data from nearly 79,000 women in the well-known Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) and more than 42,000 men in the Health Professionals Followup Study (HPFS).
The researchers looked at men and women ages 40 or older who did not have glaucoma at the start of the study, and had received eye exams from 1980 (for women in the NHS) or 1986 (for men in the HPFS) to 2008. The study looked at health questionnaires the participants filled out about consumption of caffeinated drinks, including coffee, and their medical records (to identify cases of exfoliation glaucoma).
The analysis showed a significant rise in incidences of exfoliation glaucoma among people who drank three or more cups of coffee, but no link between drinking other caffeinated beverages, such as soda or tea.

The Scandinavian Link

"Scandinavian populations have the highest frequencies of exfoliation syndrome and glaucoma," author Jae Hee Kang, ScD, of Channing Division of Network Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, told Science Daily.
"Because Scandinavian populations also have the highest consumption of caffeinated coffee in the world and our research group has previously found that greater caffeinated coffee intake was associated with increased risk of primary open-angle glaucoma [another form of the disease], we conducted this study to evaluate whether the risk of exfoliation glaucoma…may be different by coffee consumption,” Kang added.
Watch Out For These 8 Dangerous Ingredients

Should you cut down on coffee?

As I’ve reported previously, coffee has a number of health perks, including reducing risk for superbug infections, diabetes, strokes, and breast and prostate cancer. Kang emphasizes that further study is necessary to find direct evidence that heavy consumption of caffeinated coffee is indeed a risk factor for exfoliation glaucoma.
“If [the findings are] confirmed,” she told HealthDay News, “those at risk of exfoliation glaucoma—particularly those with a family history of glaucoma—would be recommended to limit their intake [of coffee] to less than three cups per day.”
Several eye experts say that they’re not cutting down on java—at least not yet, because this type of study is not designed to prove a cause-and-effect relationship. Therefore, variables other than drinking large amounts of caffeinated coffee may explain the apparent association with glaucoma.
10 Ways to Beat Fatigue That Are Safer than Caffeine

Who is at risk for glaucoma?

Because glaucoma is painless, many people don’t know they have it until irreversible vision impairment occurs. To detect it in the early, treatable stages, the Mayo Clinic recommends getting a comprehensive eye exam every three to five years starting at 40 and annually starting at 60.
Screening is particularly crucial if you have any of these risk factors, says the Glaucoma Foundation:
  • Being over 60. You are six times more likely to develop glaucoma if you’re older than 60.
  • Family history. Having close relatives with glaucoma multiples your risk by four to nine times.
  • Steroid medication use. One study found that heavy use of inhaled steroids for asthma boosted glaucoma risk by 40 percent.
  • Ethnicity. African-Americans are six to eight times more likely to develop glaucoma than Caucasians. People of Hispanic ancestry are also at higher risk.
  • Eye injury. Blunt injuries that “bruise” the eye can lead to glaucoma, either soon after the injury or years later. Use protective eyewear for activities that may cause eye injury, such as sports like boxing or baseball, or using power tools.
Video: When it's Important to Avoid Caffeine

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Eat This and You'll Never Get Arthritis?

Eat This and You'll Never Get Arthritis?

A diet rich in vitamin C when you're young could
protect you from the ravages of arthritis when you're

Foods that are high in vitamin C appear to protect
people against inflammatory polyarthritis, a form of
rheumatoid arthritis that involves two or more joints,
Reuters reports of new research from the University of
Manchester in the United Kingdom.

The opposite also holds true. Those whose diets have
the least amount of vitamin C are three times more
likely to develop the condition than their peers who
consumed the highest amounts.

The study: More than 20,000 participants, all of whom
were free from arthritis when the study began, kept
detailed diaries of the foods and drinks they
consumed. The analysis focused on 73 subjects who
developed inflammatory polyarthritis during the
follow-up period between 1993 and 2001, as well as 146
similar subjects who remained arthritis-free, reports

The results: People who had a low intake of fruits,
vegetables, and vitamin C also had a higher risk of
inflammatory polyarthritis, specifically three times
the risk compared with those who consumed the highest
amounts of foods with vitamin C, reports lead study
author Dr. Dorothy J. Pattison. Low intake of vitamin
E and beta-carotene were only weakly linked with an
increased risk of inflammatory polyarthritis, notes

The contradiction: Previous studies have shown that
high doses of vitamin C worsens osteoarthritis in
guinea pigs who already have the disease.
Osteoarthritis, which is more common than rheumatoid
arthritis, is seen more frequently in older people.
Pattison explained the seeming contradiction by noting
that the two types of arthritis are caused by
different physiologic problems. Rheumatoid arthritis
is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks
itself, while osteoarthritis is a degenerative process
that worsens over time.

The top 10 foods richest in vitamin C are:
Orange juice from frozen concentrate
Grapefruit juice
Raw mango
Raw peppers

The study findings were reported in the Annals of the
Rheumatic Dise

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower

The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 by: Manette Loudon
Learn more:

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

Un mineral mágico, el remedio contra todos los virus

Un mineral mágico, el remedio contra todos los virus

Nuestro organismo está repleto de toxinas que vamos acumulando día a día año tras años, derivadas de los desechos tóxicos producidos por los malos hábitos alimenticios y la carga de estrés emocional.
Estructura en panel de abeja de la Zeolita. Foto: J.L. Jorda (UPV-CSIC).

Pero también por las emanaciones del tráfico, los aerosoles, el aire acondicionado, las alfombras, el cloro, la pintura, los plásticos, el plomo, los  insecticidas, los productos de limpieza e higiene personal, incluso por los cosméticos.
[Relacionado: Los peores hábitos de la salud femenina]
La lista es interminable y la mayor parte de esta carga tóxica se concentra en los fluidos del cuerpo como la sangre, la linfa y el líquido extracelular. Otra parte se deposita en los órganos y, sobre todo, en el sistema nervioso (el mercurio por ejemplo).
Precisamente muchos virus y enfermedades provienen de la intoxicación por metales o minerales, del monóxido de carbono del medio ambiente, pesticidas y otros agentes químicos. Si te preguntas de dónde vienen estas sustancias tóxicas, apunta: pescados, medicamentos, levadura de repostería, utensilios de cocina, desodorante, pilas, suavizantes de ropa...
Aquí podéis ver un vídeo en clave de humor que muestra cómo un virus infecta a nuestro cuerpo, y cómo actúa Zeolite-AV para detenerlo. La Zeolita es un activador del sistema inmunológico, limpia la sangre, el sistema linfático, el sistema glandular; activa  el sistema celular y además es efectivo en la estabilización de todos los sistemas funcionales del organismo.
Se trata de un mineral natural (clinoptilolita) que tiene una carga negativa, con lo cual atrae metales pesados (mercurio, plomo, cadmio, arsénico, etc) y a las toxinas que habitualmente poseen carga positiva. Esta carga negativa actúa como un imán para sacar las toxinas del  cuerpo y atraparlas dentro de la jaula que forma  la zeolita para expulsarlas fuera del cuerpo como desechos (a través de la orina, heces o mediante la transpiración) Y lo mejor de todo... ¡sin ningún efecto secundario!
[Relacionado: La mejor bebida para hidratarse]
Antiguamente se utilizaba en Asia (China, Rusia, India) como suplemento natural para promover la salud y el bienestar orgánico. El proceso comienza inmediatamente y tarda aproximadamente 4 a 6 semanas. Estos son sus principales beneficios:
- Elimina los pesticidas, herbicidas y las dioxinas: Como estos productos químicos son los principales candidatos para la aparición de cáncer incluso en niveles bajos.
- Equilibra el pH del cuerpo impidiendo el crecimiento de células extrañas, contribuye a que el  pH del cuerpo tenga  una alcalinidad saludable, potenciando a su vez todo el sistema inmunologico del organismo. De modo que puede ayudar en  muchas condiciones de reflujo ácido, en la eliminación de la candida y la artritis.
- Reduce los síntomas de las alergias, migrañas y el asma.
- Mejora la absorción de nutrientes y atrapa el exceso de glucosa.
- Actúa como un poderoso antioxidante y ayuda a prevenir el envejecimiento prematuro.

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

FDA: Dangerous drugs found in 'natural' products

FDA: Dangerous drugs found in 'natural' products
Aug 23, 2012 1:00 PM
Hidden drug ingredients that can cause serious and potentially fatal side effects have been found in Reumofan Plus and Reumofan Plus Premium, products marketed as "natural" dietary supplements for treating arthritis, muscle pain or other conditions, the Food and Drug Administration warned.
Consumers should not buy or start using these products. People who have been taking, or recently stopped taking, Reumofan Plus or Reumofan Plus Premium should immediately consult a health care professional, said the FDA.

Ongoing FDA lab tests of Reumofan Plus found that it contained the following prescription drug ingredients:
• dexamethasone, a corticosteroid that can increase the risk of infection and cause changes in blood sugar levels and blood pressure, and damage to bones, psychiatric problems and adrenal suppression.
• diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as serious gastrointestinal side effects including bleeding, ulceration, and rarely fatal perforation of the stomach and intestines.
• methocarbamol, a muscle relaxant that can cause sedation, dizziness and low blood pressure, and impair mental or physical abilities.
A separate FDA lab analysis of Reumofan Plus Premium found that it contained both diclofenac sodium and methocarbamol.
The FDA's latest safety alert said the agency has received dozens of adverse event reports, including death and stroke, associated with the use of Reumofan Plus since the agency issued its first warning about the product on June 1, 2012. Other reports include liver injury, severe bleeding, sudden worsening of glucose (sugar) control, weight gain, swelling, leg cramps and withdrawal syndrome, and adrenal suppression.
Any of the drug ingredients found in Reumofan Plus or Reumofan Plus Premium can also interact with other medications a consumer may be taking and result in serious health consequences, the FDA warned.
"The presence of potentially dangerous prescription drugs in these two products reflect the uncertainty implicit in the purchase of dietary supplements," says Marvin M. Lipman, M.D., chief medical adviser for Consumer Reports. "In the supplement market, there is no assurance that what you're buying is what you're getting."
Bottom line: Don't assume "natural" means safe, or even natural. See our new report, 10 Surprising Dangers of Vitamins and Supplements.
FDA issues new safety alert on Reumofan Plus and Reumofan Plus Premium (FDA Press Announcement)
Reumofan Products Pose Risk to Consumers (FDA Consumer Update)

—Doug Podolsky

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Impericia médica

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Do You Really Need These Medical Tests?

Do You Really Need These Medical Tests?

Woman Talking With DoctorHow common is this? You go to a doctor for your annual exam and routinely take a bunch of tests that end up being expensive and time- consuming. Well, soon that may change. Now doctors from nine top medical societies are telling patients and their medical providers to be more discerning when it comes to 45 of the most common medical tests. The campaign's catchy title is: "Choose Wisely."

There's plenty of evidence to back up their new advice. A 2010 "Consumer Reports" survey of 1,200 healthy adults showed that almost 50 percent of them had received screening tests for heart disease that were considered "very unlikely or unlikely to have benefits that outweigh the risks." And, a study in the September 2011 issue of the "Archives of Internal Medicine" found 80 percent of surveyed doctors said they order unnecessary tests just because they are afraid of being sued for malpractice.
Plus, according to "The New York Times," up to one-third of the $2 trillion of annual U.S. health care costs is spent on unnecessary hospitalizations and tests, ineffective new drugs and medical devices, unproven treatments, and unnecessary end of life care. That's a lot of waste.
So what tests and treatments should you question? Well, you may be surprised. Here's a list of the eight most common tests and treatments you may be able to forgo:

1. Question colon cancer screening if you're a low-risk patient (who doesn't have a family history) and you had a negative colonoscopy report less than ten years ago.
2. Pass on any imaging testsfor low back pain within the first six weeks of the onset of your pain unless your physician identifies red flags.FYI: Low back pain is the fifth most common reason for all physician visits.
3. Nix routine antibiotics for acute mild-to-moderate sinusitis unless symptoms last for seven or more days or your symptoms get worse. That's because most sinusitis is due to a viral infection that will resolve on its own. Sinusitis accounts for 16 million office visits and $5.8 billion in annual health care costs.
4. Pass on dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) the screening for osteoporosis if you're a woman younger than 65 (or men younger than 70) with no risk factors. Caveat: this screening test is costeffective in older patients.

5. Question annual electrocardiograms (EKGs) or any other cardiac screening if you're a low-risk patient without symptoms. False-positive tests are likely to lead to more harm than good because they can incur unnecessary invasive procedures, over-treatment and misdiagnosis.
6. Pass on a Pap smear if you've had a hysterectomy for a non-cancer disease.

7. Question it if your doctor suggests a CAT scan (or any imaging studies) for uncomplicated headaches.
8. Don't agree to any unproven diagnostic tests when it comes to allergies such as immunoglobulin G testing or an indiscriminate battery of immunoglobulin E tests.;_ylt=A2KJ3CfxT0ZQ1VkAOrYhmolQ

martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

World may be forced to go vegetarian by 2050, scientists say

World may be forced to go vegetarian by 2050, scientists say

Cattle drink from a water tank in Tallula, Ill., Aug. 3, 2012. (Seth Perlman/AP)
By the year 2050, you may be forced to become a vegetarian. That is, if Sweden's water scientists are to be believed.
According to the Stockholm International Water Institute, "There will not be enough water available on current croplands to produce food for the expected 9 billion population in 2050 if we follow current trends and changes towards diets common in western nations."
Humans now derive about 20 percent of their daily protein intake from animal-based products, reports London's Guardian. But a new report published by the institute says the world's population will have to cut that figure to 5 percent by 2050 to accommodate the planet's "considerable regional water deficits."
Why not just produce more food?
"Nine hundred million people already go hungry and 2 billion people are malnourished in spite of the fact that per capita food production continues to increase," the report said. "With 70% of all available water being in agriculture, growing more food to feed an additional 2 billion people by 2050 will place greater pressure on available water and land."
So vegetarianism, the scientists say, is one option to combat the water shortage.
"A move towards vegetarian diets could help free up large portions of arable land to human food production," Orion Jones wrote on "A third of current farmland is used to grow crops that feed animals. Additionally 'animal protein-rich food consumes five to 10 times more water than a vegetarian diet.'"
The report was released for the start of "Water Week" and the annual world water conference in Stockholm. And while the forecast may sound dire, the world's water situation is already grave.
According to the World Water Council, 1.1 billion people now live without clean drinking water.
And the United States is experiencing its worst drought in a generation, punishing farmers and burning up the nation's corn crop. On July 31, nearly 65 percent of the nation was experiencing drought conditions, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.
The drought's been so severe and water levels so low, Midwestern towns that were intentionally submerged decades ago are starting to surface.

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

8 Ingredients You Never Want to See on Your Nutrition Label

8 Ingredients You Never Want to See on Your Nutrition Label

The year was 1950, and The Magic 8-Ball had just arrived in stores. It looked like a toy, but it wasn't. It was a future-telling device, powered by the unknown superpowers that lived inside its cheap plastic shell. Despite a bit of an attitude—"Don't count on it," "My reply is no"—it was a huge success. Americans, apparently, want to see their futures.
A few decades later, Congress passed the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act that, among other things, turned the 45,000 food products in the average supermarket into fortune-telling devices. Americans inexplicably yawned. I'm trying to change that. Why? The nutrition label can predict the future size of your pants and health care bills.
Unfortunately, these labels aren't as clear and direct as the Magic 8-Ball. Consider the list of ingredients: The Food and Drug Administration has approved more than 3,000 additives, most of which you've never heard of. But the truth is, you don't have to know them all. You just need to be able to parse out the bad stuff. Do that and you'll have a pretty good idea how your future will shape up—whether you'll end up overweight and unhealthy or turn out to be fit, happy, and energized.
While researching the new Eat This, Not That! 2013: The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution, I identified 8 ingredients you never want to see on the nutrition label. Should you put down products that contain them? As the Magic 8-Ball would say: Signs point to yes.


This preservative is used to prevent rancidity in foods that contain oils. Unfortunately, BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) has been shown to cause cancer in rats, mice, and hamsters. The reason the FDA hasn’t banned it is largely technical—the cancers all occurred in the rodents’ forestomachs, an organ that humans don’t have. Nevertheless, the study, published in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, concluded that BHA was “reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen,” and as far as I’m concerned, that’s reason enough to eliminate it from your diet.
You’ll find it in: Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles


 These synthetic preservatives are used to inhibit mold and yeast in food. The problem is parabens may also disrupt your body’s hormonal balance. A study in Food Chemical Toxicology found that daily ingestion decreased sperm and testosterone production in rats, and parabens have been found present in breast cancer tissues.
You’ll find it in: Baskin-Robbins sundaes

Partially Hydrogenated Oil

 I’ve harped on this before, but it bears repeating: Don’t confuse “0 g trans fat” with being trans fat-free. The FDA allows products to claim zero grams of trans fat as long as they have less than half a gram per serving. That means they can have 0.49 grams per serving and still be labeled a no-trans-fat food. Considering that two grams is the absolute most you ought to consume in a day, those fractions can quickly add up. The telltale sign that your snack is soiled with the stuff? Look for partially hydrogenated oil on the ingredient statement. If it’s anywhere on there, then you’re ingesting artery-clogging trans fat.
You’ll find it in: Long John Silver’s Popcorn Shrimp, Celeste frozen pizzas
FIGHT FAT WITH FAT! Some fats, like trans fat, will pad you with extra pounds, but other types can help you shed unwanted weight. See for yourself—pick up these 5 Fatty Foods that Make You Skinny today!

Sodium Nitrite

 Nitrites and nitrates are used to inhibit botulism-causing bacteria and to maintain processed meats’ pink hues, which is why the FDA allows their use. Unfortunately, once ingested, nitrite can fuse with amino acids (of which meat is a prime source) to form nitrosamines, powerful carcinogenic compounds. Ascorbic and erythorbic acids—essentially vitamin C—have been shown to decrease the risk, and most manufacturers now add one or both to their products, which has helped. Still, the best way to reduce risk is to limit your intake.
You’ll find it in: Oscar Mayer hot dogs, Hormel bacon

Caramel Coloring

This additive wouldn't be dangerous if you made it the old-fashioned way—with water and sugar, on top of a stove. But the food industry follows a different recipe: They treat sugar with ammonia, which can produce some nasty carcinogens. How carcinogenic are these compounds? A Center for Science in the Public Interest report asserted that the high levels of caramel color found in soda account for roughly 15,000 cancers in the U.S. annually. Another good reason to scrap soft drinks? They’re among The 20 Worst Drinks in America.
You’ll find it in: Coke/Diet Coke, Pepsi/Diet Pepsi


 Castoreum is one of the many nebulous “natural ingredients” used to flavor food. Though it isn’t harmful, it is unsettling. Castoreum is a substance made from beavers’ castor sacs, or anal scent glands. These glands produce potent secretions that help the animals mark their territory in the wild. In the food industry, however, 1,000 pounds of the unsavory ingredient are used annually to imbue foods—usually vanilla or raspberry flavored—with a distinctive, musky flavor.
You’ll find it in: Potentially any food containing “natural ingredients”

Food Dyes

Plenty of fruit-flavored candies and sugary cereals don’t contain a single gram of produce, but instead rely on artificial dyes and flavorings to suggest a relationship with nature. Not only do these dyes allow manufacturers to mask the drab colors of heavily processed foods, but certain hues have been linked to more serious ailments. A Journal of Pediatrics study linked Yellow 5 to hyperactivity in children, Canadian researchers found Yellow 6 and Red 40 to be contaminated with known carcinogens, and Red 3 is known to cause tumors. The bottom line? Avoid artificial dyes as much as possible.
You’ll find it in: Lucky Charms, Skittles, Jell-O
THE DOMINO EFFECT: Sugar doesn’t just come in the form of cookies and candy. Discover the insidious ways it can creep into your diet with 9 Sneaky Sources of Sugar.

Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein

 Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, used as a flavor enhancer, is plant protein that has been chemically broken down into amino acids. One of these acids, glutamic acid, can release free glutamate. When this glutamate joins with free sodium in your body, they form monosodium glutamate (MSG), an additive known to cause adverse reactions—headaches, nausea, and weakness, among others—in sensitive individuals. When MSG is added to products directly, the FDA requires manufacturers to disclose its inclusion on the ingredient statement. But when it occurs as a byproduct of hydrolyzed protein, the FDA allows it to go unrecognized.

You’ll find it in: Knorr Noodle Sides, Funyuns

FIGHT FAT EVERY DAY: Knowledge is your best defense in the battle against flab. To keep up with the latest calorie-cutting research, sign up for the FREE Eat This, Not That newsletter! and be sure to follow me right here on Twitter.
Your Best Body Ever: Your 82-Day Plan
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IMPROVE YOUR LIFE—WITH YOUR iPAD! Check out the all-new interactive iPad edition of Men's Health!, now available by subscription. 

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martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

Hidratos de carbono: los cuatro peores que el pan

Hidratos de carbono: los cuatro peores que el pan

La fuerza de voluntad no es suficiente para controlar los ataques de ansiedad por comer hidratos de carbono. ¡Conoce cómo curar el “Cerebro de Gordo!
frutas y pan
La miel, los jugos y las bebidas deportivas son los peores hidratos de carbono. Su mayor contenido de fructosa daña la comunicación en el estómago e incluso después de comer el mensaje de llenura no viaja al cerebro.
Por Dr. Salomón Jakubowicz
Acabo de atender a una paciente orgullosa por haber reemplazado el pan y los refrescos por cereales con miel, yogur y una bebida deportiva hidratante. Al ver que mis ojos se abrían con horror, rápidamente agregó que no le añadía azúcar. Mi cara no mejoró y le mostré una tabla con los hidratos de carbono que más engordan.

Cuáles hidratos de carbono comer
Ella había sustituido el azúcar del pan por el peor de todos, el que más engorda. El azúcar del pan, del arroz y de la papa puede ser utilizado por los músculos, pero la fructosa, al igual que el alcohol, tiene que pasar primero por el hígado, donde provoca la causa hormonal más frecuente de sobrepeso: resistencia a la insulina.

Los peores hidratos de carbono
La miel, los jugos y las bebidas deportivas son los peores hidratos de carbono. Su mayor contenido de fructosa daña la comunicación en el estómago e incluso después de comer el mensaje de llenura no viaja al cerebro.
La miel y las bebidas deportivas tienen más fructosa que un refresco, no tienen vitaminas, fibra ni proteínas, simplemente son comida chatarra. Peor aún, los helados de yogur son hechos con la grasa de la leche, ocho cucharadas de azúcar y el contenido de nutrientes es nulo.
Pero, su error más grave fue creer que los cereales le ayudarían a adelgazar. La cantidad de azúcar en los cereales es demasiado alta.
Al extraer el jugo de la fruta se obtiene agua con azúcar, las vitaminas y la fibra permanecen en la fruta. Un vaso de jugo natural tiene diez cucharadas.
Comer frutas es muy diferente a tomar jugo. Los nutrientes de las frutas se encuentran en la piel, especialmente en la pera, la manzana, la naranja y la uva. Además, para preparar un jugo se exprimen de cuatro a seis naranjas pero al comerlas con una o dos ya estamos satisfechos.

¿Las frutas tienen azúcar?
Los jugos de frutas son bebidas azucaras, al igual que un refresco. En cambio, la fruta entera tiene vitaminas y fibra. (Jannette: lo que sigue es una tabla, que dividí por filas para cuando la pase).
355 mililitrosBebida carbonatada de colaJugo de naranja Jugo de manzana Jugo de cereza Jugo de uvas
Hidratos de carbono totales40 g39 g42 g49.5 g60 g
Hidratos de carbono de azúcar40 g33 g39 g37.5 g58.5 g
Azúcar (cucharaditas)10810915
La venta de bebidas azucaradas, como jugos y refrescos, debería ser limitada para los mayores de 16 años. Hace solo 50 años los médicos recomendaban fumar y los primeros estudios sobre los peligros del tabaco fueron ignorados. Nuestros hijos verán con asombro como tomábamos jugos sin control.
Al salir de mi consultorio, la paciente no dejaba de leer mi lista de hidratos de carbono. Por fin había entendido cuáles eran los buenos y por qué no había podido adelgazar. Unos días más tarde me llamó para solicitarme información sobre el arroz. Le dije que era un placer ser su médico y que publicaría esta lista.
Lista de hidratos de carbono 
Hidratos de carbono Característica Consecuencias principales 
Granola, avena y yucaSuben MUCHO el azúcar. Causan resistencia a la insulina.
Trigo (pan, cereales, pasta) Disminuyen la leptina. Aumenta la ansiedad. / Empeoran los síntomas de la diabetes. 
Maíz (galletas, arepa, cereales) Aumentan la insulina. Causa de infertilidad, caída del cabello e hirsutismo. 
Frutas (jugos) y miel FructosaAumentan de la grasa abdominal. 
Arroz, papa, azúcarSube la ghrelina.Causa de fibromialgia. 
Granos (caraotas, lentejas, frijoles) Rico en fibra. Bueno para el estreñimiento. 
Alcohol Frena el metabolismo. Aumenta el apetito / Causa insomnio y apnea del sueño. 

Síntomas de exceso de hidratos de carbono en mujeres
• Aumento de la grasa del abdomen
• Cansancio y fibromialgia
• Caída del cabello de raíz grasosa
• Hirsutismo (vellos) y acné
• Ansiedad por comer en las tardes

Síntomas del exceso de hidratos de carbono en hombres
• Aumento de la grasa del abdomen
• Ronquidos al dormir (apnea del sueño)
Ácido úrico
• Hígado graso
• Verruguitas en el cuello y en las axilas
Muchos pacientes intentan adelgazar sin apoyo de un médico. Por eso he preparado este Test Hormonal para ayudarte a descubrir la causa de tu sobrepeso.
• ¿Cómo evitar que los hidratos de carbono engorden?
• ¿Cómo controlar los ataques de ansiedad por hidratos de carbono?
La mayoría de las personas con sobrepeso no engordan por comer más. Muchas despiertan sin apetito y no les provoca desayunar, llegan al almuerzo todavía sin hambre, pero en la tarde la ansiedad por comer hidratos de carbono es incontrolable. Esto es lo que se conoce como “Cerebro de Gordo”.
La fuerza de voluntad no es suficiente para controlar los ataques de ansiedad por comer hidratos de carbono. Debido a la importancia del desayuno para curar el Cerebro de Gordo, aquí tienes las opciones que les doy a mis pacientes.
• Probar un cuadrito de chocolate, sin terminar comiéndolo completo es una hazaña que casi nadie puede lograr. Solo quien ha sentido ansiedad sabe lo difícil que es controlarla.
• Hasta hace poco, las dietas para adelgazar no estaban diseñadas para controlar el apetito y por eso no funcionaban. Los especialistas recomendaban comer poco, pero, recientemente se ha descubierto que algunos alimentos son mejores para disminuir el hambre y que un postre en el desayuno disminuye el deseo de comerlo en la tarde.
• Nadie puede dejar de comer los alimentos que más le gustan porque comer es uno de los placeres más importantes de la vida.

La importancia del hidrato de carbono favorito en el desayuno
• Un chocolate oscuro en el desayuno tiene efecto antidepresivo. En cambio, al comerlo en la noche es fácil convertirse en adicto.
• Si algún día te provoca una pizza en la tarde, debes comprarla y guardarla para la mañana del día siguiente.
• En el desayuno, es obligatorio comer tu hidrato de carbono favorito (arroz, pasta, chocolate, torta o cualquier otro) para que no te provoque en la tarde. Aunque a esa hora no te provoque, debes incluir tu comida favorita en el desayuno.
• La dieta se termina cuando ya el pan integral y los cereales cansan. En cambio, si tu desayuno incluye un chocolate es más probable que sonrías. Tu estilo de vida para adelgazar debe satisfacer tus deseos. De hecho, comer es un placer.

Después de comer las proteínas del desayuno, es importante comer un solo hidrato de carbono. Cualquier hidrato de carbono, pero no varios.
Consecuencias del Cerebro de Gordo 
SíntomaHormonas Recomendación 
No sentir hambre en la mañana.Todas Desayunar aun sin hambre.
Ansiedad por comer hidratos de carbono en la tarde.Insulina Desayuna alimentos ricos en proteínas. 
Grasa abdominalMetabolismo lento Desayuna hasta estar más que satisfecho. 
InsomnioEndorfinas y serotonina No ingerir alimentos por ansiedad en la noche. 
Dolores musculares de la fibromialgiaCortisolNunca hacer ejercicios en ayunas.
Triglicéridos y colesterol altoInsulinaEvitar desayunar solo azúcar (jugos, cereales).
Hígado grasoInsulinaEvitar los hidratos de carbono en exceso.
Ácido úrico altoAdrenalina Evita “autodevorarte” los músculos. 
Estrías, flacidez y artrosis Colágeno Desayunar proteínas al levantarte (máximo: 60 minutos). 

Recomendaciones médicas
• Desayuna hasta estar más que satisfecho.
• Si tienes ansiedad en la tarde significa que desayunaste pocas proteínas.
• Desayuna al levantarte (antes de que pasen 60 minutos).

Según publicado en el blog del doctor Salomón Jakubowicz. Para más información, accede